for Film Fray -,

Effective Date: January 1, 2010

Last Modified: December 28, 2015

Film Fray Corporation ("Company") is the operator of the above-listed website(s) (the "Site"). When "Services" are mentioned in this Policy, such reference includes providing the various features of the Site. When first-person pronouns are used in this Policy (We, Our, etc.), they are referring to Company.

We have developed this Privacy Policy to explain what type of information we collect, how we use such information, and how we protect it. Since the Site and Services allow some third-party connectivity, such as via the Site's payment system, please be aware that this Policy only covers information for which we have asked of you or for which we can control via the Site. As you surely understand, we cannot be responsible for how third-parties protect any information which you may have provided to them.

We are determined and committed to maintaining a great relationship with you and the Film Fray community, and we look forward to providing you with a safe and secure experience while you use the Site and Services.

Revisions to this Policy

We reserve the right to revise, amend, or modify this Policy at any time. However, if we change anything in this Policy, we will change the "Last Revised" date appearing at the top of the Policy. You should therefore check this webpage frequently to see if anything has changed. Your continued use of the Site and Services after any such change shall constitute your assent and agreement to any such revisions.

Information that We Collect

Visitors and Members of the Site and Services may interact with our Site in different ways. For example, Visitors are people who may visit the Site but not necessarily sign up to become a Member. We collect different information from Visitors than Members, and vice versa.

A. Members - Members interact with the Site and Services in a way which requires registration so that the Member may then utilize interactive features of the Site. When registering to become a Member, prospective Members will be prompted to provide a valid e-mail address, physical address, full name, telephone number(s), and credit card information.

In addition to the information that we passively collect and that we actively collect during registration, you will likely provide additional information and data to us on a voluntary basis as you use the Site and Services.

B. Visitors - Visitors are people who do not actively provide content to the Site or Services. However, as described below, the site may still collect information from Visitors. Any information gathered from Visitors is also gathered from Members. This information is restricted to information obtained via your browser and computer by cookies and/or web beacons, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider, the type of operating system (i.e.., Windows, Apple, etc.) referring/exit pages, platform type, date/time stamp, one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser, and responses by a web surfer to an advertisement delivered by us.

How We Collect Information from You

A. Passive Collection - We use cookies and web beacons to collect information about you and your use of the Site and Services in order to enhance your experience with the Site and Services, such as storing session data so that your preferences are stored. The information collected in our cookies may include, but is not limited to, your IP address, geographic location, and referral information as described above. We may also employ third-party collection mechanisms, such as Google Analytics, to provide us with Site statistics. You may be able to opt-out of these Google Analytics Advertising Features through Google's Ads Settings, or through the NAI's consumer opt-out resource

B. Active Collection - We also collect information from you, such as your name, e-mail address, phone number(s), physical address and credit card information (which is currently collected via a third-party processor), if applicable, when you complete registration forms to sign up as a Member or otherwise input data into the various forms and data-entry pages on the Site.

How We Use Your Information

Our primary use of any information that we collect from you is to provide you with the Services that you have paid for and which we advertise via the Site. In other words, we use the information for the purpose for which you provided it.

With the limited exceptions found in the Special Cases section below, we will never sell, rent, or disclose your personally identifying information without your permission. Personally identifying information includes information that you provide for use with your Membership or purchase, and which we actively collect.

We contract with certain third parties to provide you with the Site and Services. These parties may include billing processors, data centers for hosting the Site and Services, and other vendors needed to provide the Site and Services. While we expect that those third-parties will respect and keep private all information for which they have access, we cannot guarantee that data breaches or other unauthorized access to your information will not occur, despite our choosing vendors and contractors who we believe to share our commitment to securing your information.

Special Cases.

We endeavor to not use or share personally-identifying information about you in ways unrelated to those described in this Policy without also providing you with an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit the unrelated uses. However, there may be special circumstances in which we need to disclose, with or without your knowledge, personal information about you, or information regarding your use of the Site or Services we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including:

  1. To satisfy any laws, regulations, or governmental, or legal requests for such information, such as a subpoena;
  2. To bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Terms & Conditions or other policies;
  3. If we are compelled to do so by lawful criminal, civil, or administrative process, subpoenas, or court orders.
  4. If we suspect credit card fraud or abuse, or other fraudulent activity.
  5. If we sell or transfer the Site or Services to a third party; however, we will first notify you to inform you of such sale or transfer.

Public Areas

The Site and Services may offer you with the ability to publicly post information, such as via a discussion forum, chat room, or other public or semi-public area. We cannot act to maintain the privacy of any information that you provide in any such public or semi-public area of the Site or Services. Any information you post in such areas should be considered immediately and indefinitely public.

Our Commitment to Data Security.

We take measures to protect the storage and transmission of your information. We make every reasonable effort to ensure the integrity and security of the network and systems which are under our control; however, we cannot guarantee that our efforts will prevent third-parties from illegally obtaining this information from us or the vendors we use to provide the Site and Services. Given the resourcefulness of hackers, we are unable to guarantee that our security, including that of our vendors, is wholly breach-proof. You assume the risk of such breaches to the extent that they occur despite our reasonable security measures.

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about this Policy. You may contact us at